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TT Interior Office

Design Practice:

TT Interior Office Design

Project Title:

TT Interior Office

Project Location:

Guangzhou, China

Design Practice Location:

Guangzhou, China

All project descriptions are provided by SBID Awards entrants.

The TT App of Quwan, as a social gaming platform, has been well known to young people. Its slogan that there is no lonely playmate in the world is also recognized by many post-90s and post-00s players or employees. The pronoun derived from Quwan is full of fashion, passion, youth, creativity and endless fun. The original idea of the design was to integrate these elements into a carrier, a planet that could fully express and carry the expectations of one billion players around the world instead of Quwan. The Planet of Quwan, the Planet of Happiness. The interlace of time and space and technology, the combination of light and metal, all reflect the application of dynamic and static balance and sensual immersion in space. This is an era full of technological progress and innovation, and this era also created a happy planet belonging to Quwan.

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