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Loong Palace Linquan Villa

Design Practice:

David Chang Design Associate International

Project Title:

Loong Palace Linquan Villa

Project Location:

Beijing, China

Design Practice Location:

Beijing, China

All project descriptions are provided by SBID Awards entrants.

The project is located in the northern part of Haidian District, Beijing. The famous universities and high-tech industrial bases are also located in its vicinity. It is a dynamic district representing China’s emerging technology and cultural power. The project is also situated in a beautiful surrounding. This district has a rice field that has been producing top quality rice since ancient times. The family library was inspired by the curling shape of the rolled up book pages. Adopting the metaphors of “In the book, there is a house of gold; On the book, there is a shade of jade”, from a classical Chinese allusion. It implies by acquiring the knowledge from books, you will make a wonderful life financially, emotionally, as well as spiritually. In other words, knowledge is power.

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